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Great idea for a thread! I love reading everyone's responses so far.

As for myself, I guess my original online username was "TK_Karma_Chameleon" and it has just been shortened to TK-Karma or Karma. The original name was made back in 2005 or so, when I played Battlefield 2 on PC with my high school friends and being the kool-kids we were, we wanted to make a clan/competitive team together. Of course the idea totally fell through and didn't happen, but I got the name in planning for that and it stuck. The TK part was going to be the original team name (Terracotta Knights - supposed to be clever, in a high school sorta way), and Karma Chameleon is just straight from the Boy George song. I was explicitly told by this one friend of mine, that all the cool people on the Internet have usernames that refer to songs :v probably because he had one himself. Anyway, they decided I should go with Karma Chameleon, because I was the "nice guy" of the friend group and the theme of good karma fit me I suppose. All the underscores in the original name came from the fact that the original BF2 was very restrictive with what characters you could use and you couldn't add clan tags early on.

And here we are today!