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Cremator said:

Yea My first post!!!!

Wow. First off let me start of by saying theres been alot of these threads popping up recently and the mods should really do something about it. Wii fanboys and SONY fanboys create threads like these everyday bashing the 360 in some way. First of all, are u from NDF(Nintendo Defense Force)? I remember SDF doing something like this too. I don't see how this will happen as Rock Band its biggest competitor isn't even released yet. And when it does expect GH3 to drop. The two bolded comments make you one big desperate Wii fanboy looking for more 3rd party games. LOL primary development console? What are you smoking? Wiid(weed)?

 I would think you are better off gaining a few hundred posts before you start labelling people fanboys and start asking for better moderating. Just my 2 cents.

Based on historical trends for all dominating consoles, why does my theory of Wii being the primary dev system and there being less PS360/PC only games sound so fanboyish? Isn't that what happened for NES,SNES,PS1,PS2, and every single Nintendo handheld?