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DJjazzyGETH said:

Ok one more, and I PROMISE I'm done. The independent animator Don Hertzeldt is my favorite creator in any medium. His work includes the very meme-ified REJECTED CARTOONS, which I'm sure many of you here have seen.

But that was in 2000, and his work never stopped. Since then he's animated It's Such a Beautful Day, a three part series about a dying man (and I won't spoil any more than that, but it's incredible). Here's the first part.

In addition, he was recently nominated for the short animated film oscar for WORLD OF TOMORROW, his first fully digital film.

Other favorites include WISDOM TEETH and THE MEANING OF LIFE.

His work is highly surrealist, with a particular focus on absurdist philosophy and attacks on corporatized animation. Also he did a Simpsons couch gag.

A lot of these were on netflix, but I think they've since dried up online. There's a great bluray collection of his work, and I'm sure some of its available on rental places like Amazon and Vimeo.



lol you can keep posting, the thread is for that. plus all these videos seem very weird and indie judging by the thumbnails, I love these kind of movies so I will check this asap :)