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superchunk said:

For the last couple of months the Wii version of GHIII has outsold the 360 version.

Currently the WW sales totals are:

360: 3,012,750
Wii:  2,739,800

Which is a difference of  272,950.

Last week sales were:

Wii:  47,063
360: 37,798

Which is a difference of 9,265.

At that rate it would take the Wii version about 30 weeks to pass the 360 version or by the week ending January 3, 2009. 

Now, we all know game sales do not remain constant like that. Over time its sales slowly decline and begin to level off and then eventually die out completely. Also, the Wii version's weekly sales gap has been slowly widening each week, showing that the 360's version is declining in sales faster.

With that in mind I give you this projection.

I have tried to continue out the current trends and as you can see the Wii version should pass in about 14 weeks or about half the time as shown above. This would mean the Wii version should pass the 360 version by week ending September 6th, 2008.

Now, I could very well be completely wrong with the 360 version's rate of change. But, at most I think it could take 20 weeks or by  October 18, 2008.

You may be asking yourself, "Why do I care?", well I care because this a big game. If the Wii version comes out on top before the end of 2008, you can bet your panties that we will see far less PS360/PC only multi-platform games.

Now I know one game doesn't make it or break it, but, I think this type of AAA quality multi-platform games selling better on Wii will only continue and eventually make Wii the primary development console.  

Yea My first post!!!!

 Wow. First off let me start of by saying theres been alot of these threads popping up recently and the mods should really do something about it. Wii fanboys and SONY fanboys create threads like these everyday bashing the 360 in some way. First of all, are u from NDF(Nintendo Defense Force)? I remember SDF doing something like this too. I don't see how this will happen as Rock Band its biggest competitor isn't even released yet. And when it does expect GH3 to drop. The two bolded comments make you one big desperate Wii fanboy looking for more 3rd party games. LOL primary development console? What are you smoking? Wiid(weed)?