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TheBlackNaruto said:
Ck1x said:

You just summed up this whole ridiculous port begging theme for me... If most people on other systems feel that Nintendo has just been rehashing the same franchises, then why would anyone want them to go 3rd party? Let their rehashed games stay on their underpowered hardware and everyone wins!

You make it sound as though the people for Nintendo going 3rd party have come in and dropped some amazing thoughts and facts on why it makes sense for them to do such a thing. There's nothing to debate when people provide nothing to back up such a claim or opinion.

Actually no I didn't sum up anything I asked a question. Because it is a legitamite question. Why is it that Sony and MS get talked about for it but Nin doesn't? It is just odd. And who said MOST people feel as if Nin has been rehashing the same franchises? Does me asking that question suggest that or something? And actually some people in this very thread have made some very good points and gave some good reasons on why they felt they should go 3rd party. And others have gave very good points and reasons on why they felt the shounldn't. Not agreeing with them doesn't mean they are not thought out points.


The fact that you feel Nintendo doesn't get criticism from using the same franchises over again tells me all that I need to know, thanks!