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Super_Boom said:
Oh my gosh this story. That's so horrifying. I feel bad for your poor iguana. What a horrible way to die. worst story is less mine, and more the family's. I think I was in middle school. My sister had a hamster at the time, while I had a cat (well it was the family's cat, but I liked to claim he was mine). We decided that it was a smart idea to leave the hamster in the bathroom...outside of its cage, so it could roam around freely. Of course it'd be fine in there, not like hamsters can chew through doors or anything.

Well anyway, this hamster chewed through the door. As soon as we got home, my mom had us do something in the garage. Didn't think much of it at the time. We get inside, and find that the hamster is missing. Apparently ran off somewhere, maybe went through the vents and got outside. Goodbye hamster. My sister was depressed about it, but she liked to believe her pet managed to be free outside. mom finally came clean years later. Turns out, she was the first person back in the house. When she went downstairs, she saw signs that the hamster had escaped, like she told us. What she didn't tell us though, was that she also found chunks of hamster strewn about the basement. Apparently, my cat found the hamster running around, caught it, and ripped it to shreds, not even bothering to eat the whole thing. Anybody that's seen a cat catch a mouse probably has an idea of what happened to this poor hamster...the poor thing probably suffered quite a lot while my cat played with his food.

Definitely creepy to think about now. I love cats, and will never regret owning a cat (I still do)...but god damn are they savage creatures. I'll definitely never own a rodent x.x; they just don't mix.

Awww poor hamster ;-; I love cats too. Im sorry that happened. But yeah, cats and hamsters are not a good mix at all XD