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MTZehvor said:
onionberry said:

worse than that is the people who criticize the game WITHOUT playing the game and the people who say the game "is not that good" without playing the game, any game.

I'd argue the opposite. Declaing a game "bad" without playing it is certainly petty and ridiculous, but dismissing someone else's opinion and going after their character for having an opinion that differs with yours is far worse because it's a personal attack. As a rather silly example, if I say "I hate chocolate milkshakes" without having tried a chocolate milkshake, I'm being spiteful, but my spite is only directed against a specific item. However, if I go after a person or a group of people who dislike chocolate milkshakes and decry them all of them as simply holding some ulterior motive for criticizing milkshakes, as if there is no room to both have a well thought out opinion and still dislike chocolate milkshakes, is orders of magnitude worse. Why? Because I'm directly going after the people themselves, not the object. I'm ignorantly insulting the people instead of the product, and wrongly insulting a person is in nearly every instance going to be worse than insulting an object.

That's just a different scenario with a different type of ridiculousness, attacking people because of their opinion is as ridiculous as attacking and arguing about something without experience, that's when you need to stay quiet cause your opinion doesn't have a base. "What you think" is not enough if you're going to critize something or say that something is good or bad, cause then that's just a sentiment and not a real opinion based on experience with the subject. And we are full of that, "this is not good, not that good" without a base, just based on other opinions from people who had the opinion that validates their sentiments.