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Welcome to the forums. While I kind sorta kinda see where you're coming from, I would like to remind you that the Wii was not supposed to be the market leader, and that developing a game for the system takes years. This is exacerbated by the fact that most of the more talented development teams are already sunk into producing HD games. So it's no real surprise that the major third parties have put disproportionate efforts on those consoles.

All I can say is that my reading of the situation shows things are turning around (and more quickly than I expected). While I could be wrong, I'm fairly confident that we'll be seeing more high-quality Wii games from third parties soon, from the smaller developers to the Big Three.

I would also like to add that metacritic, gamerankings, and the like are probably not the best way to gauge quality: the reviewers they rely on are almost exclusively young males who are really into a certain segment of gaming, and their opinion may not mesh with yours (it certainly doesn't mesh with mine.)

Again though, welcome to the forums.