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Renna Hazel said:
The problem with certain reviews is that they have blatantly incorrect information listed as negative aspects of a game. It's not so much the score as it is the content of the review, which in Jim's case, had a lot of misinformation in it. With that said, people should just accept his bias and move on. Not everyone is going to be fair.

What kind of misinformation was there in Jim's review?

How can he have bias when he says that he generally likes Zelda games, but BotW simply isn't his *favorite* Zelda game due to some weaknesses? Do you understand that positive bias is a problem as well? There are people who think that Nintendo games or Zelda games (made by Nintendo) are perfect by default, and that is simply not true. These same people are now attacking someone who dares to not give the game the 10/10 that it "should" get? Are you frigging kidding me? DDossing and whatever, that's just childish and petty. A dick move in any circumstance. Unbelievable. It seems that the main thing for these people is not to enjoy their Zelda, but to force all others to praise it too, lest they be punished. What's wrong with these people? Are they *that* scared for Nintendo's future that they would do literally anything to make sure that there's no criticism?