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Intrinsic said:
Jaicee said:

I've not yet finished the game myself, but up to where I am now in it, my impression is that it is indeed imperfect. I'd personally score it an 8 out of 10, as I feel the shift into the survival genre makes Breath of the Wild an above-average adventure game, but that it's nonetheless bogged down by tired, sexist tropes (Nintendo's continued dependence on damsel in distress scenarios feels more than a little dated at this point), a weak, self-serving pro-tech theme, and indeed, as Jim has suggested, far too many arbitrary irritations that serve to remind you that you're definitely playing a game, preventing the full immersion into the experience that the new survival elements otherwise help to foster. Whatever you think of the game though, this kind of over-the-top fan behavior (the cyber mobbing stuff) needs to stop because it disincentivizes game critics from even trying to give you their honest opinions.

But thats nintendo for you. And maybe even traditional japanese developer thing..... you may se it is dated and weak and a constant reminder that "you are playing a game" (a sentiment which I to an extent agree with) but a lot of others see stuff like that and call it charm.

Nintendo hardly ever bother s with story depth and complexity. There usually always is a very very simple premise to their stories (almost as if designed for an 8yr old to grasp) and whatever depth to be found kinda justtethers around that core story.

And those arbitary irritations you talk about... well thats also a nintendo thing too. They never kinda hide or try to hide the fact that "this is a game". If anything they seem to tak pride in it. From its presentation, mechanics and down to the sound effects they use within the game. They seriously try to seem like they aren't taking themselves or the game seriously. And that is also  what makes their games "charming" (for those into stuff like that.

Look I get what you're saying. But can you also see that also seems to indicate that gamers in general tend to hold Nintendo to a different standard?

Can you imagine a IP being launched by MS that featured a damsel in distress trope, minimal story, and constant visual reminders poping up in the middle of the screen not being scrutinized heavily for it no matter how great the gameplay is or how polished it is? Maybe in 1995, but I personally can't in this day and age.

Sure it's a Nintendo thing, but that shouldn't mean they should get a free pass for it.