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sc94597 said:
potato_hamster said:

You're assuming that the stamina system in BotW led to a docked point for its score.

I am assuming that if something is in a review it contributes the the final score. He didn't mention anything about movement in his Skyrim review, however. My criticism is for a lack of consistency. In one title he overlooks what are categorically the same (or even a worse) flaw, while in the other he highlights it, by my hypothesis (which is not proven) because he had an intended end result of the review in mind. 

Have you considered that perhaps, like many of the people here who do accept that BotW has many flaws, that perhaps Jim gave Skyrim a 10/10 because he believes it deserves it. Whereas with BotW, he found the flaws hampering his expereince in a way he never found with Skyrim, that overally caused him to dock points and give it a 7/10. Maybe it's because the stamina meter is right next to your face all of the time in BotW and thus it's constantly reminding you of how irritating this feature is

I don't know. I'm not Jim Sterling. I'm not even a fan. This is the first review of his I've ever read. I have no idea how he grades these things. All I do know is that his criticisms are valid. I found many of the same things when I played it for the few hours I did. As far as I'm concerned it's a 7.5-8.5/10 game from my experience, but again, I only played it for a few hours.