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Mnementh said:
potato_hamster said:

This all started with you giving viv shit for having an opinion that differs from yours, not vice versa. You're the one showing the lack of respect for Viv's point of view.

Well, let's jog your memory:

Mnementh said:

Well, if gone it would reduce my fun (as endlessly being able to climb or swim would be no challenge). And seemingly more are with me than you. So you have no fun with this mechanic, well, so be it. Not your cup of tea. Play something else.

I found the Tomb Raider reboot bad everyone was raving about. Still I can accept that others thought differently and let it be.


As you can see, I and others told vivster that we have a different opinion, but his is an opinion. Vivster instead opted into ridiculing our opinion. How can you ask for respect for vivster, while not asking vivster to have respect for other peoples opinion? How strange is that?

I mean you're quite literally telling Viv to go play something else if he doesn't like this mechanic, but if you don't see that as "giving him shit for having a different opinion", then that's on you I guess.