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Thurs, Fridays, and Sundays you'll probably find these threads. Just general threads where we talk about whatever. Also, if the convo you have with another user start becoming off-topic, don't worry that much. It's aight. If your first comment is off-topic, that's when it becomes an issue. Anywhore! i could go for some coffee. 

Being this early in the night and my sleep getting ripped away from me due to the time shift, I just want to fucking sleep. My client will definitely stay here until 2am. My new puppy kept me up all night EDIT: by night I mean 6-9pm that I wanted to nap. But yeah! Coffee! I want some, no, I need some! 

What do you normally order when it comes to coffee (or tea if you absolutely must)? I actually go for the cold stuff usually. Like a caramel frappe (dunno how to spell the whole thing) or if I'm wanting hot I like a nice macchiato. As for tea, love me some peach tea or green tea. Sweet tea is also amazing.  Also sometimes I get weird craving for that shitty cheap coffee like hotel coffee or coffee you'd get at an office