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zero129 said:

I'm a PS4 and PC gamer and I haven't found a lot of games worth playing on PC this year. I'm playing Forza Horizon 3 on PC though and that game is amazing.

The games you listed are older games, I thought we were talking about this year? Now if that's counted then PS4 has Infamous: Second Son, Driveclub, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 4 and The Last Guardian.

Also I wouldn't put Quantum Break when talking of good games.

Hahaha.. Sure your a pc gamer .

You call yourself a PC gamer but dont find anything worth playing on it except for console ports...

Yes the games i listed where older and i could of also listed more, still doesnt change the fact that it works both ways, Also in case you didnt notice this year is only in its 3rd month and the is still a few more MS exclusives to release this year.

Yes because I'm not interested in playing MMO's and RTS games. You know you can have a PC and not like those genres.

The games I'm interested in are always on consoles sometimes exclusive to them. And console port isn't a relevant thing when the game is good. I don't care about PC exclusive games in general. They are mostly indie games and games from the genres above which I don't like.

Also I stated clearly that I was talking about this year so far, is that so hard to understand? I know MS will come with some games this year but I don't know how they will be. But from the games that have come this year that I know are good PS4 has the best lineup of games this year.