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As a guy I'll say straight up there are differences in how men in particular view women in power.

Playing on a rec league hockey team for example I know that the guys will get more upset if it's a woman that blows a call and it will soon turn to "that bitch doesn't know what she's doing" and we've had more players kicked out of games for yelling at a woman ref versus a guy.

I do think if Hilary was say ... Bill Clinton (but not having been president before and thus not having the same baggage) he probably would've won that election.

It's not like Hilary even lost by much, it was basically about 60,000 votes she couldn't hold in states that usually vote Democrat that tipped the scales.

For most candidates that "grabbing the Pussy tape" pretty much would've sunk them, but Trump had a chance due to several issues that made Hilary a weaker candidate.