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Imaginedvl said:
Burning Typhoon said:

Those reviews can say what they like.  I personally haven't seen my i7 outperform in any catigory as my Ryzen 7.  

What you are saying does not make sense to me :)

Intel CPUs and esp. the highend i7 are just better than AMD R7... I mean this has nothing to do with "what the reviews says"; it is just about numbers and performance. I understand that you are fine because in any case your rig can run your games at max settings at 60/90FPS; therefor fine, your choice is good. Also the price is a factor and maybe the quality vs price is better at the end with the R7 as the highend i7 are almost the double I think... 

I just assumed you wanted to buy the best CPU for your rig which is not the case, so yah your choice is fine. And it will not prevent you to run the games at max settings and for the cost, yes you made a way better choice based on your comments and esp. for that price tag. Congratulations for your new CPU :)

Also you talk like the i7 does not come in a 8 cores format. It does.

I'm not spending 1000+ dollars on a CPU.  It's not happening.  I've done my own tests.  I own a 4790k.  I own an 1800x.  It performs better.  Better frame rates, and I could also do better graphics settings, while also being able to do other tasks at the same time, like streaming/recording that again, i could not do on my 4790k.

Whatever potential 3, or 4 frames I could be missing out on, from whomever knows where, will be completely nullified when I get my GTX 1080 Ti later this week.  I didn't just need a solely gaming PC.  By what you're telling me, I could have just upgraded the GPU and been done with it.

If I were showing any sort of loyalty, I wouldn't pair a GTX 1080 Ti with a Ryzen 7 CPU.  If this were the comments I'd get from people's hear-say, I'm glad I didn't ask for suggestions.  I'm glad I can say I own both. Most people aren't going to do that.

AMD is forcing intel to drop prices. AMD is restoring order.  We need competition to drive development.  I'm happy with my Ryzen, and I will sell my I7 PC.  The entire thing.  I didn't cheap out, and skip on hard drives, power supply, and a case.

All that said, though, I think you're being sarcastic anyway.  But, just in case you weren't...

I think a lot of people who are jumping on the Ryzen hate couldn't afford to own a Ryzen CPU... forget having both Ryzen and i7 at the same time.