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In discussions about super hero or comic movies the common refrain I hear lately is "fatigue" and how they will achieve "critical mass".

In certain respects I agree that audiences can only be wowed so much, and that after Infinity War be hard to imagine "going bigger".

Fortunately we have Deadpool and Logan to show us how comic movies can be relevant in the future. Smaller scale character focused films that feel true to the character. After watching X-Men Apocalypse and feeling indifferent to it, Logan left a real impact because I cared. I cared about Logan, Charles, and Laura wanting them to survive this harsh reality. I also give a lot of credit that the actors felt passionate and gave great performances in these characters. To me Logan is the high mark for X-Men films and among the best comic book movies I've seen. Being a deeper, slower, and more brutal feature was the right choice and glad to see it succeed.