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Gearbox said:
Everyone who wants a PS3 will look into what's coming out soon, so they will hold off on getting one until the new bundle. Prices were lowered to clear out stock.

Comon PS3 u've outsold 360 for 27 weeks straight, if u just hold off another 2 u have it in the bag!

That's of course nonsense. Consumer behaviour doesn't work that way. They buy something when they feel like it. Of course there are some people that will wait for the 80GB and more for the $100,- off, but certainly not everyone, not even close.
Only those who are very informed know that the 80GB is coming, and most of the very informed gamers already have a current gen console.

OT: The Ps3 is only in trouble in Japan, in the West it's doing fine. It's probably never going to capture 360 in the US, but worldwide I think it will be the HD console that wins.
But please don't expect too much from MGS4, it's a hardcore game in the most extreme way and it definitely won't raise PS3 sales over the GTAIV launch. GTA had much more hype and has a much broader appeal. Most of the MGS fans already have a PS3.