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Star Wars Unleashed has a decent chance to hit 10 mill. The thing with Star Wars games is that they often sell on name alone. But Unleashed seems like a good game so far and I'm quite excited by it. My prediction, roughly:

X360: 2.75 mill
PS3: 2.25 mill
Wii: 2 mill
PS2: 1.25 mill
PSP: 0.75 mill
DS: 0.5 mill
~ 9.5

The sequel to Assassin's Creed will reach 10 million because the console install base will be larger and I believe the quality of the game will be a lot better than the first game. And if they release a Wii version it's practically guaranteed to reach 10 mill.
(AC is now at 6.5 mill on PS360 combined, but still selling well and will likely reach 8 mill)

The next Zelda I believe will easily reach 10 mill. Just imagine a super-Zelda to be released for Christmas 2010 on a console with a 100 million installed base. Epic. It will be the Game of the ages. <---oops, 1st party