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Nier. Nioh.

I follow gaming sites, so I know the difference. But many others really don't. So when you try to bring these games up in everyday conversation all people hear is:

Ner. Nier. Nor. Nioh. Ne-roh. Ne. No. Ni. Roh.

So you have these two splendid games: Nier and Nioh. And they were aunched in the same window of time as two extensively marketed, really big exclusives: Zelda and Horizon.

So between the easy name mixup and the mass amount of mindshare Horizon and Zelda have right now - I think sales of Nier and Nioh are certainly weaker than if they launched in a release window that they could more easily claim as their own.

Of course, Nioh had the head start and has already sold pretty well - so I think that may unfortunately give Nier the short straw here. 

"Hey did you check out Nier?"

"Yeah I did, just bought it" (actuallly meant Nioh)


... I can't be the only one thinking this.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016