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@ ItsaMii : EA has SHOWN good games. And good controls.

Boom Blox: This title speaks for itself, just read any post about it on the board. A unique Wii only game, it shows you can make a great game that will only work on the Wii, and it works for EVERYONE. You like it, so do your kids, your friends, your parents, even your grandparents can "get"this game. Gameplay could reach anyone who liked Wii Sports. It's easy to play, but a "hardcore" (upstream) player can spend hours on these puzzles. This type of "pick up and play" game that still can please the upstream, well, that's what Nintendo does. I don't think EA can pull this off every time (or that they were trying for this), but they got it right this time. And BTW, this game REALLY shines if you and a few buzzed friends are playing....

SSX Blur : A great game, not dumbed down AT ALL controlwise, and the controls are very good once you learn them. Visuals were lacking a bit, BUT it was a visual style they were going for, and near launch. Just wait until SSX with a balance board.

The Godfather:Blackhand Edition : Though this was a pretty lame game on previous consoles, the wii controls breath life into the dead on this one. The punching, throwing gangsters off rooftops or through glass windows, all of it works. A GTA clone, and a PS2 port, it is ONLY a good game on the Wii. And on the Wii, it's actually very good. And don't bitch about it being a port, RE4 was a port as well. This isn't RE4, but a great sandbox game for the Wii, especially if you like immersive controls.

MOH:H2 : You trashed this, and I respectively disagree. It's a port, but it is very good. The FPS controls are the best on the Wii, even better than Metroid Prime 3. Actually the best I've used that are not on PC. Visually, well that's another story (an OK PS2 port at best). But, it's flawless online (and very fun). Without friend codes to boot. The single player game is short, and I'll even slam it here. But it gives EA a good base to work off on the Wii. If you can pick it up for under $30, well worth the money just for the controls and online.

And most of these titles are overlooked. Yeah, EA DOES have some Wii Bombs as well. No successful effort on Madden. Sketchy controls on Tiger Woods 07, a little improved on 08, but online missing. But they aren't the "devil" of Wii developers. Hitler, Stalin, well... I've had those impressions of EA for quite some time. BUT, they are leading the way for other TP's, and they are trying. IF EA has a few million or more sellers, it shows TP's can make $ on the Wii. At least they aren't giving us Tiger WoodZ. (OK, they did go with BLOX).

As long as they make good games, I'm open to giving them a try. Much more than I am settling for Prince of PersiaZ.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709