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Chicago's murder rate is actually lower today than it was in the 1990s, it looks to me like relatively it was actually fairly down to a reasonable level up until something happening in 2014 or so that changes everything (my guess is an all out gang war erupted there). 

Europeans and Canadians coming into this thread really have no clue how violent US cities can be. 

I actually saw a report where they stated arresting/jailing a lot of the older gang leaders is actually driving violence *up*, because the older leaders are more level headed and just want to conduct "business". When you arrest them, that means the gangs are now being run by a bunch of younger hot heads who don't really respect the "code" of conduct and/or want to make a name for themselves, and that actually escalates violence. Which is basically the moral of the first Godfather movie as well, lol.

You need to create a system in which young boys in particular don't go looking towards a gang for a family.