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Chazore said:
KBG29 said:

The new controller has two anolgue sticks and improved gyro and accelerometer for greatly enhanced tracking.

Like was said above, the Aim doesn't have to look like a gun, it has to feel like a gun. You will be in VR, so they can make it into whatever they want.

I am personally extreamly excited for this, and hope it does very well. Ultimately, I would love to see them put out a seperate handgun peripheral, or a Move holster belt, so you could swing this thing around back, and grab the pistols, to give you even further emersion.

Hopefully, we will see stuff like COD start alternating years between VR and Traditional very soon, before going completely VR in the future. We are on the cusp, of one of the biggest techonlogical break throughs in almost 100 years. I greatly look forward to the day when VR headsets are as prominent as Radios, TVs and Cell Phones.

Some like the added look to the gun itself for one reason.


I don't really get this idea of yours that "traditional" gaming has to die, go the weay of the dinosaur and only exist with VR. Y had the same ideal for consoles taking over PC's and ruling the planet. I'm not seeing a VR device as the biggest technological advancement in 100 years, there have been far more important technological and scientific advancements in the past 100 years compared to an entertainment device. 

How you come to these conclusions I don't know. I have never said that traditional gaming needs to die. All I am saying is I hope in 10 years studios like Naughty Dog, Bungie, Rockstar North, Polyphony Digital, and such are only making VR games. Just like right now they only make 3D games, and have left 2d side scrollers and top down stuff to indies and smaller studios. I don't see the point of the industry leading developers dragging their feet in old tech, when a massivly better option is available. I do believe and hope in 50 years from now we are still getting 2D and 3D games, and I would expect them to be multiple times better thn the stuff we are getting right now. However, I expect that to come from indies and low to mid tier developers.

On the old PC vs Console side, it's the same. I don't think PC should die, but I think people should make smarter choices about the use and purchases of devices. I think PC is essential to enthusiasts, science, business, and medicine. Where I think PC needs to move out is in the low end market. We don't need people using cheap, over priced and under powered HP, or Dell, or Lenovo type of PCs. We would benefit greatly, from the mass market using more standardized hardware, like XBO and PS4, to ease development of web and hardware based programs. 

Last note. VR is way, way, way, way beyond an entertainment device. VR is going to allow doctors to practice medicine at a much higher level as the tech becomes perfected. VR is going to allow mechanics to learn in a virtul world, instead of wasting resources during training. VR is going to allow engineers to design much more detail into everything. VR is going to allow artists to do thing far beyond what we have ever seen. There is nothing that VR can no do. VRs ability to trasport us places, will make it of the greatest learing and teaching tool for many years to come. And yes, on top of all of that, it will be the best entertainment platform we can experience for a long, long time.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams