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badgenome said:
ArchangelMadzz said:
I thought theprof would've made it all the way and been the highest voted male? I must be alone in these thoughts o.0

5p - theprof00
4p - Bristow
3p - blacknaruto
2p - Guiduc
1p - Slarvax

I know, WTF? He's pretty enough that I don't even feel gay about fapping to him, which is definitely something I always look for in a man.

5p - theprof00

4p - Bristow9091

3p - TheBlackNaruto

2p - Slarvax

1p - Guiduc


theprof00 said:
ArchangelMadzz said:
I thought theprof would've made it all the way and been the highest voted male? I must be alone in these thoughts o.0

5p - theprof00
4p - Bristow
3p - blacknaruto
2p - Guiduc
1p - Slarvax

Haha thanks madzz, you're a doll and too kind. My two rounds have been insanely tough, moreso than any "starting" rounds I've been in before. Lotta smexy guys around here. TBH I really should have used a better picture. That was taken after 3 hours of boxing and I was sweaty and tired. I thought it looked sexy, but probably not the venue to be rated by a bunch of dudes. I'm honored that almost everyone who reached 2nd round gave me 5 points.


Anyway, here's my vote:

Bristow- 5p because why not, I'm charitable
slarvax- 4p clearly a sex crazed maniac
naruto- 3p brooding expression
guiduc - 2p fitness buff, though I'm not one for silly faces (sorry~)
prof- 1p total uggo


It's alright, you're our number 1 man. 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'