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scottie said:

Have a read

EA haven't understood what the Wii is doing. Nintendo are bringing out new IP to attract new gamers, then using their established franchises to push these gamers upmarket. The expected buying trend is
Wii Sports/Play/Fit -> Mario Kart -> Super Mario Galaxy -> Zelda -> Metroid

Whilst EA are making some great games, they are still stuck in the 'CaSuAl LoLz' frame of mind.

NB: All this will be taken back if Spore: Wii version is good

 I've read those articles. And you don't think EA is doing that? By making their games more approachable (but not dumbing them down to make them "casual"), you don't think they are trying to move gamers upmarket? Even if that's not their intention (to move gamers upmarket) it would give their games a broader appeal, and thus more sales. At the same time it would move those gamers upmarket, but EA doesn't care about that, EA cares about money. It's Nintendo's job (for the most part) to move gamers upmarket, but those developers that jump the gun and work on moving them upmarket shoud make a good amount of money (if their games are good) because Nintendo won't steal all the sales first.

"As long as we create ways for them [the hardcore] to experience gameplay that they consider meaningful to them, and as long as our accessibility features don't dumb down or dull the experience for them, I think they'll be just fine."

I think that shows they aren't just "lolz casual" but actually thinking about what consumers want. If they were doing that, they would just eliminate most parts of the game, to make way for a party mode only, then make the controls really basic, but throw some motions in there for good measure. The hardcore users for the most part would just buy the other console versions anyway. But that's not what they are doing. They're adding modes specific to what the casual users might want (5-on-5 quick play with some addition rules and the such, like Mississippi rules), while expanding what the hardcore users want (adding the feature of updated rosters, which the 360 version has had for years now I believe).