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I think the story of the Somali immigrants who are fleeing to the Canadian border and trying to cross over in freezing temperatures (the one guy losing several fingers) is more notable.

That's just sad, people being chased out of a civilized country like that because they fear being deported to a crap hole. It's immoral IMO, to have zero concern. If they are terrorists or drug dealers, fine let them be vetted properly, but a lot of what's happening is gross. These are human beings, not dogs, and even a lot of people would be angry to treat a dog like that (would you leave a dog outside in minus 20-30 Celcius in the dead of the night?).

Not a good look America. Yes, yes we need to have a more sensible immigration policy, but forcing people already here into freezing temperatures and tearing apart families ... this is not the way to do it and I think history will look back at this chapter in history with shame.