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Xyrax said:

Shinobis post has been translated from the entry on the 20th. Im not sure if this info is buried in another thread or not but I didn't see it so I decided to post it here.

Taken from GAF


Originally Posted by schuelma:
Go Nintendo is reporting that DQ:Swords commercials are coming out, and are even going to be playing at movie theaters.

Really really interested to see how this sells- anyone know the first week shipment?
250k initially, but they upped it to 350k according to a June 20th sinobi post and translations by Cheesemeister and creamsugar.





This officially puts DQ:S initial retail orders (not preorders by customers people) ahead of Minna no golfs 300k. Do you all think its because retailers have been selling alot of preorders for DQ:S and have in turn increased their orders for it? Or is it just based on confidence behind Wii game sales so far? Maybe they just realized the game was called DragonQuest and immediately ordered more?

And even more important, will the increased orders be needed? Will this game sell the way the retailers seem to feel it will? Personally I'm not entirely sure about the whole thing. I'm kind of still on the fence about Minna. I really love the hotshots golf games however so my bias for that game is certainly at play here, but I think it will do exceptionally well for a PS3 game. But Jesus Christ, they are going to be advertising DQ:S in Movie Theaters? Thats pretty impressive too, but Minna Golf also has a console bundle! And those help sales also as it gives a discount to new console owners. I'm going to be looking closely at how these two titles square off against each other. What are your thoughts?

 It seems like preording in Japan is not a big practice.  We keep seeing long line ups for games, if people preordered in Japan, there would be smaller lines.  If we hear about preorders, we should then assume it's store's preordering their first shipments and not people preordering (Which I know you assume as well).  I wonder why stores in Japan don't do preorders... it seems like it would be a much better way to handle game releases there... then again a long line up might gaurantee better sales for other games, as the people waiting in line may not want to have to keep standing in line to get several games they wanted to purchase.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.