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Intrinsic said:
jason1637 said:

You're the only one that considers the Switch a portable. Most people consider it a console.

Power is nice and all but you people play games not power. The Switch is changing how we play games. Home consoles have always been you come home and play but the Switch you can play anywhere. Also 4K on the PS5 wont be a huge deal because its already happening with some Pro games and later the Scorpio. Theres no point in argueing any further because it seems that you will still think the Switch is a handled regardless. 

I consider it to be a portable. 

But indulge me, tell me why you think its a home console and I will tell you why I think its a portable. 

And the power argumnet is irrelevant.... if a PSvita was made in 2017, it would probably be as powerful as the switch. Thats just technology for you.  And power isn't only about resolution. Just look at horizon running on the base PS4 at 1080p and BoTW running on the NS at 900p/720p. Its like comparing games two generations apart. So lets just leave the power argumnet out of this.

So go on, tell me what makes the NS a home console.

Well because it has a Pro controller, Nintendo says its a console, and its getting games that have been on Nintendo home consoles. Its a home consoles with a feature that allowes you to be taken on the go. Its what the Wii U should have been. 

As for the Horizon and Zelda comparison Zelda is a more cartoony artstyle while Horizon is a more realistic one. Horizon may look all great and all but it still comes down to the quality of the game. The Zelda team has proven they can produce high quality games while Guerilla Games not so much.