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Rock_on_2008 said:
MGS 4 deserves perfect scores across the board. It is a shame that it will not happen. An 8 out of 10 from Edge put an end to MGS 4 of getting the highest review score average of all time. :(

Yes, and oh how I rejoiced. Also, this topic is about MGS4 being over-rated, not under-rated. It appears Konami is trying to artificially boost review scores to increase sales. This is obvious, and all reviews that come out based on the embargo of information might as well not count.

Anyway, I'm sure MGS4 is a fine game, but "the best game of all time" can't be a niche title like MGS4, it has to be a game that can appeal to everyone once they start playing it. MGS4 probably ain't it. No game that relies as much on story as MGS does, will ever be crowned "best game of all time." Especially considering the niche nature of the MGS series. To the average gamer, giving the best MGS yet an 8 is about right.


Of course, to fans it'll be a 10, and to me it'll be a 10, but that's where the term "fanboy" comes from, now isn't it. It's funny when your not hoisting it at Nintendo fans about games like Brawl, now isn't it? Same princible. If it was Jump man in MGS4 and not Snake, would we really be that excited about it?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.