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Intrinsic said:
xl-klaudkil said:

Thats not what i ment,there just not many triple a western games anymore,and the couple  that  are there kinda  suck.


This  year we get?

For honor - online required  crap. 

Another  cod

Another  fifa

Another  madden

Mass  effect

That uh wildlands game from ubisoft thats going  to be online required  too.


And uhh.


Thats a wrap.


Woow what a amazing  amount. 

Errrrr........ Horizon, RDR2, Destiny 2, Battlefront....... and a few others we don' know of yet. Thats very far from having "collapsed".

Most importantly, either of COD or RDR2 will sell more than all the Japanese games. Combined.

No they wont.