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SuperNova said:
Edellus said:

=/ Spyro was the very first game I played on my PS1.

Now I'm not saying that it's not ok to have these opinions (or any opinion, for that matter), but at this point it seems to me like they are in the virtue signaling bandwagon. I'm probably nitpicking, but it looks like that to me because of how the video and the speech was made; token people at the front, the crossed arms and the self-pointed righteousness ("our anti-discrimination policies").

That said, it's not a shock either. Liberal dominated places (like videogame companies) might be on pressure to make a stand, and it better be the "correct" stand or they risk shame and business contacts in the industry, so it ends up being smart not sharing dissenting opinion (although I find it sad and a free speech impediment).

Or, you know, there is no hidden liberal agenda forcing them to do this and this is just their honest opinion? Maybe?

I don't get this gut reaction towards basic human decency that it can't possibly be genuine and has to be forced somehow.

I've seen the same thing with people claiming developers were succumbing to 'SJW pressure' when they had women/lgbt characters in leading roles (there's also notable exeptions like TLOU, where at least to my knowlegde this didn't happen). People seem more willing to believe that there are corrupt liberal executives in this world who force poor studios to include diverse characters than the more reasonable assumption that the developers just like having these characters in their games and executives care much more about microtransactions and not upsetting the status quo too much.

And yes, creative environments tend to breed and attract more open mindsets, but if you had a 'dissenting opinion' from the consensus and feared repercussions for it the smart thing to do (as a whole studio) would be to just stay quiet. Especially since Insomniac are the first game studio to take a stance on this to my knowledge. There is no bandwagon in the games industry to jump on yet. So to assume that this is not their real opinion and to imply that they in fact are secretly in favor of  the policys they are protesting is a little mind boggling. Not not mention seriously lacking respect for other peoples opinions and values.

Yes, maybe they're honest. If you read my following comments you should understand that my opinion is what it "appears" to me; I'm not assuming anything.

As for the bandwagon, I don't think the bandwagon can only be related to the relevant policy, I think the bandwagon encompases everything that is considered politically correct and signaling your righteousness.