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Hmm, how about they call us our REAL name; A Republic.

And don't even start with that "representative democracy" nonsense. It's an obnoxiously long replacement for something much simpler to state; republic.

We have representatives. We the people don't vote on every issue (that would be expensive, exhausting, and just plain unrealistic. This isn't some small city state like Athens, this is a 320 million + populated country).

And when you have a Republic, there is no such thing as a perfect Republic. It is encouraged to have corruption and backstabbing in Republics.

I've said it before and I'll say it again that the best, most effecient and best for the people, form of government is one with a benevolent monarch, but I'm fully aware that won't happen here and it really shouldn't because finding one of those is about impossible. That being said, I'm not sure it is worse than what we have wasted our time doing for the past few decades.

Our country is becoming increasingly liberal AND conservative. You either support babies lives or you don't, you either support gay marriage or you don't, you either support government aided people or support people learning how to fend for themselves, and the list goes on. Why we don't just allow each state to govern itself and just have the federal government deal with the military, interstate issues, and foreign policy is beyond me. In order to save this country from collapsing due to an over extending gap between both factions, we HAVE to adopt Libertarinism. If California wants to allow people having sex with chickens on Tuesday nights, then that is their choice. If Florida wants to ban Syrian refugees, that is their choice. If Missouri wants to pass a law allowing anyone to punch anyone from Kansas and not be charged with assault, that is there choice. LET STATES CHOOSE!