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First of all, your music argument sounds a bit fogeyish "You call that music?!" Each generation gap has their own stuff that they consider music. I bet you're not listening to hit artists from the 1920s at all, right?

The rest comes down to opportunity. Baby Boomers were given the most opportunity, and as such, made the most out of it. However, most government policies that granted said opportunities were then revoked by Boomers as soon as they themselves were done with them, thereby denying generations to come. Then they have the gall to complain that millenials are "lazy".

Even now, Boomers are still running the majority of world governments, and Boomers are making legislation in their favour. Case in point, Negative Gearing in Australia, which deny thousands of potential new homeowners by government taking the side of "investment retirees", giving them tax cuts on investment property. This has, in fact, forced more potential homeowners into the rental market, with Boomers buying up all of the properties, forcing a newer generation to pay to the padded retirement funds of the older generations.

Check out the productivity vs pay rate graphs from the 1970s onward. Each newer generation has become more and more productive in the workplace, yet wages remain stagnant. In other words, millenials are the ones getting more work done for less pay.

There are multiple studies showing that this generation will be the first in modern history that do not turn out better than their parents. You call this laziness. However, with the facts showing just how easy Boomers have had it during their prime, and still rig the rules in their favour, they will go down as THE MOST selfish generation in world history, bar none!