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Hynad said:
potato_hamster said:

He's 32 years old. He spent the first 18-20 years of his life being a die hard Nintendo fan. He actually got his start in the industry writing game walkthroughs for his favorite Nintendo games in his own free time that were so good, IGN asked if they could publish them and hired him to make more. He was actually supposed to be hired on for IGN's Nintendo division, but a better opportunity opened for him in the Playstation division so he took that instead. As the years went on, Nintendo started falling out of favor with him when Nintendo's competition started making more compelling game playing experiences than what Nintendo was offering.  However, over the years, he still picked up all of Nintendo's consoles, and played and continues to play almost all of their mainline franchises the same way he did when he was a tween. He still is a huge Nintendo fan, he just refuses to blindly support every terrible decision they make, and instead now looks at their from a more grounded, realistic perspective than he did in the past.

And here you are dismissing him for that. You're criticizing him becauase he's willing to continuatlly re-evaluate his stance on the video game industry, and which company offers a more compelling gaming experience for him as the years go on, and not just stick to Nintendo for generation after generation like you have.

Got it. I hope you don't pride yourself on being open-minded.

He's been trashing them for a while, with a very close minded outlook on them. He isn't open minded. His last video is proof enough of that. He has a very specific list of features he wants in a console, and complains about everything that isn't on the list. That's not being open minded. He's quick to jump to every negative conclusions possible instead of giving Nintendo the benefit of the doubt until they reveal what's left to be revealed about the console. 

And you really have no idea who I am if you think I "just stick to Nintendo for generation after generation". That part of your comment is quite laughable.

And yes, compared to him, I am a much more open minded person. =)

You're joking right? So being criticial of a company means he's being closed minded about them? Hilarious. He doesn't like some of the decisions they have made and continue make that indicate that they clearly haven't learned from their past mistakes. Just so we're clear, to be open minded about Nintendo to you is to blindly trust them to make choices consumers want despite their history.

Why should he give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt? Have you seen what they've been doing the past 15 years? Nintendo is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Last I checked, many people call that the "definition of insanity".  Do you even think it's acceptable that this console is coming out in less than six weeks and we don't know this information? Can you really fault someone for treating Nintendo's lack of transparency the same way people treated Microsoft suddenly no longer revealing Xbox One sales? Can you name a time when Nintendo's lack of transparency and vaguery about announced products actually lead to something ending up better than it sounded initally? Because I can't. It's far more realistic to not give them the benefit of the doubt. They have lost that privledge.

This whole debacle reminds me more and more of the Xbox One reveal three years ago, and we all know how that ended up.

As for me overestimating your Nintendo fandom - You're one of the 7 people on this planet that owns a Wii U. I haven't met a Wii U owner yet that wasn't a die hard fan.

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