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Pemalite said:
superchunk said:

Yes there are older devices that run Netflix. But that is also ignoring whether Netflix sees value in creating yet another one off app.

To be fair. Netflix shouldn't need to make another one-off app. They should be able to port their Android app over and support both with the same fork.

superchunk said:

Why would you juggle two devices? When you're playing you'd have Bluetooth headphones and the phone in your pocket.

Okay. So you need your phone to pair the Switch with to provide internet access. (Ugh.)

Then you need your phone to perform matchmaking.
You can't put your phone away as not all games have multiplayer matches that go for longer than a few minuits, one must assume you need to use your phone to deal with all of those logistics.

You also may be required to invite/uninvite people from your party, again requiring you to pull out your phone.

Then if you find someone who is annoying during the middle of a match and you wish to mute them, you again need to pull out your phone... And if you don't have headphones (I never carry mine) then you need to use your phone to talk into.

So yes. You will be required to juggle two devices... And this is only for the stuff we know about.


superchunk said:

I agree that I'd rather have the option  all on the one device. But Nintendo has decided to focus on its core purpose. I recognize there are reasons for this and the risks are minimal as most, not you, won't care about the lack of Netflix, etc.

I do recognize that Nintendo decided to focus on other things.

However, they should not be above constructive criticism.

It was thanks to constructive criticism that got rid of the Kinect, lower price, more performance, removal of always-online DRM on the Xbox One remember and that benefitted everyone on the platform.

Constructive criticism and the hardcore bithing and whining in the in the internet are two different things. The "constructive criticism" was also why we had Wii U in the first place. 

I'm not getting why Netflix should not make another device specific app? You really should ask them what they themselves think. If Netflix agrees, they're not making an app on Switch. Simple as that. Or if you have idea behind your view, feel free to tell us. Considering how much localisation, and other legal stuff, Netflix has to do in order to distribute the content, an app on a device is the least of their problems. Even the Wii app is getting the same content as everything else, because it's using the same database with the rest of of the apps.

As for the matchmaking, you're just making a strawman argument over it while functionality is just your own assumption, because we simply don't know how it works. Judging by the information how Nintendo is supposed to use internet, the matchmaking is server/cloud based, instead of application based, with multiple devices able to connecr your account at the same time. Pretty much like the Google accounts work, or Miiverse for that matter.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.