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I am trying to compile some data, and I would greatly appreciate it if all that enters this thread makes a selection in the Poll. I will leave the thread for around a month or two then post my analysis on the results up for debate.

Here are the requirements for selection.


  • You can only pick a console you actually own obviously. 
  • You can pick a console you do not yet own if you are set on buying it within the next 6-12 months.
  • Home consoles only (with exeption to the NS which is a hybrid)
  • If you choose to post in the thread, please indicate on average how many games you buy every year and what approximate percentage of your purchases are digital or physical(just put in the value of the one that is higher). And if you subscribe to an online service or plan to in the future. For this, pls use this format 

     [where X is the number of games, %P/D is the higher percentage of your buying preference and Y/N is if you subscribe to an online service PS+/XBL/NOS9in this case you plan to)]
Thats it.
So for me



  • I did not include PS4pro/XB! scorpio cause they are the same thingas PS4/XB1. So if you plan on buying any of that you might as well pick PS4/XB1.
  • Was hesitant to include the wiiU since in a few months it will officially be dead and discontinued.