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DMeisterJ said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
DMeisterJ said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
DMeisterJ said:
Well, EGM said they're still reviewing it, just after the restrictions are lifted.

So they're not boycotting in the sense of not reviewing, just waiting. Also, they just wanted to get some attention.

That is a boycott. That's how it works. Boycotts don't mean you stop doing something forever. It means you stop doing something until your demands are met (like going on strike, only the consumer instead of the worker).

A boycott or strike is different though.

You don't know how long it'll last, and you don't know what the end result will be, you may get a raise, you may get your benefits, or you may not.

What EGM is doing is waiting until next month to review it.

I don't understand how that's anywhere close to a boycott, rather than just keeping the integrity of their magazine together, and vying for unneccessary attention. (not that I don't respect them for that, keep journalistic integrity intact, just don't make a huge deal about it. They didn't have to mention anything, except say the review would be next month. Doing the whole roundtable thing, and the comment about Konami's muting of what could be talked about was only to exacerbate the problem, and to bring this into the spotlight for some publicity.)

From Mirriam-Webster online:


: to engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with (as a person, store, or organization) usually to express disapproval or to force acceptance of certain conditions


Okay, so it isn't a boycott, more like a protest.

Call it what you want, but the fact remains that they could have just reviewed it this month, and not said anything, but the remark they made make it sound like a boycott or a protest, when really all they're doing is holding back their review for a month.

If anything, this is moreso an exercise in journalistic freedom, or First Amendment rights, but it's been sensationalized by the media, and them themselves, as a boycott or protest.

I link to the dictionary, and you think I'm calling it what I want? Are you a follower of truthiness? I wasn't trying to call it what I wanted. I am trying to call it what the English language would define those actions as.

And no, that is not all EGM is doing. That implies they are holding back the review for no reason. They have a reason. They don't like the conditions they were given, so they are not giving the review before the game comes out.

That would at the very least, fit the defintion of an objection. It isn't a boycott, since they are still looking at the game, but you seem to insist there isn't a word for what they are doing, as though there is some signifigance to there being a word for what they are doing.

It's about defintions, not labeling actions.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs