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The Wii is never happening again. Not unless you have a completely new kind of breakout interface that radically alters everything and *simultaneously* a completely untapped huge population of people who have no games for them (which obviously is not the case today either as casuals thanks to smart devices and Facebook actually have *more* games made for them than "hardcore" gamers do today). 

People just need to get over it. Wii was 10+ years ago, and it's never going to be 10+ years ago again. Ask Blackberry and Nokia, I'm sure they'd love to hop in a time machine and go back to 2005/06 too.

Switch does not change game play. It merely alters the utility of a game system by letting you play the same games away from the TV as you do on the TV, an initiative the Wii U initially started, the Switch just takes it further by being completely portable instead of semi-portable. It is basically a "Super Wii U" or "Wii U 2" if you want to call it as such, it's the natural extension of concepts birthed by the Wii U. 

How many people really *must* be able to play Mario Kart 8 and Zelda: BotW and Skyrim away from their TV is a much different proposition from the Wii which was bringing gaming to people who couldn't play any type of modern game at all and had no one really making games for them.

These are two very, very different things, if anything the Switch is perhaps the most "hardcore" game platform period because it assumes you need to game *so bad* that you can't go without video games even when you're walking the damn dog (like that intro video showed, lol) or at the airport. You really need to love video games already to love this concept.