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ZenfoldorVGI said:


Home Launch Update, new SKU, PSP touting, no mention of new handheld, Killzone 2 touting, Final Fantasy XIII and VXIII touting(yes, you'll see "touting" a lot, is that even a word?), Gran Turismo touting, Little Big Planet touting, big announcments, Tekken 6(6?) touting:

A. God of War 3.

B. Team ICO game, sequel to SoC.

Hopeful fanboyism:

Full backwards compatibility with new SKU, or new unforseen AAA JRPG like...Legend of Dragoon 2!?

Resistance 2 SP reveal has been confirmed, a new trailer for the getaway, eight days and wipeout PS3 (different from HD) and they will tout some random weird PSN titles


Halo Wars touting, Gears of War 2 touting, Too Human touting, Banjo 3 touting, Alan Wake touting, Fable 2 touting, PR spin(aka fake) touting. Price drop/new sku. Putting on strong face for the folks. New games announced:

A. Entirely unpredicable new IP announced.

B. I really have no clue what we'll see.

C. No X-mote announced due to internet reaction. It shall be pushed to next gen. 

Hopeful Fanboyism: New Lost Odyssey sequel planned with loading problems fixed from first game, and....XBL free? lol, doubt it.

 they will probably announce lips, their singstar rip off



A. Tekken will be touted, SC will be out, if I'm not mistaken. If not, it will be touted. Fragile also shall be touted.

B. Every upcoming tales game, of which there are many will be lambased upon the press...aka touted(we still got a lot more "touteds" to go, so live with it).

C. Splatterhouse details confirmed, PStriple, touted.

D. WiiSki numbers flash.

E. Anime games announced, including Naruto of some sort.

 Eternal sonata PS3 details, and another AC game revealed



A. Madden, Woods, NBA, aracde, Boxing, all other crap will be touted.

B. Medal of Honor next will be touted.

C. New Wii casual sports division will be touted loudly and exasperatedly.

SSX nex gen

 Square Enix

A. Touting FFXIII (announced for a 2009 release), DQIX, Crystal Chrons Wii, FF/DQ US ports.

B. A platform for Kingdom Hearts 3 will be announced....dun dun dun.....PlayStation 3

 C. Star Ocean 4 properly announced for PS3 in 2009

Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX remakes announced, all for PS3 (crossing fingers touching wood

Ubi(was it Ubi who said they weren't coming to E3?)

A. Ubidays stuff on display.

B. All of which shall be touted.

C. They announced all their big upcomers at Ubidays.

HAWX MP details, Assassins Creed 2 teaser trailer shown

 I have deleted the stuff I have not commented on. Some of this is hope rather than beleif (mostly the Square stuff)