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SegataSanshiro said:
Just being on a Nintendo console it won't win by default. Bayonetta 2 snubbed for a mediocre game in Dragon Age Inqusition. Xenoblade X and Tokyo Mirage Sessions snubbed by DLC...literally DLC. Xenoblade 1 lost to Skyrim and Xenoblade is a far better game.

A is better than B , because I liked A more than B. A compelling argument. Bayonetta 2? Do people really think that an arcadey action game will ever win GOTY over more expansive and epic experiences? Come on. It's not about platform, although you seem like you'd like it to be about Nintendo's automatic superiority.

Anyways, aren't these GOTY labels handed out like candies? You made a nice game, have some too. Or are there awards that require at least some kind of wider recognition by a larger crowd of gamers and critics before they're handed out? I haven't really been paying attention to these things.

I have to say that Witcher 3 getting a truckload of awards was totally deserved. The franchise was completely new to me and I had some reservations, but once I got into it, I saw it. The quality, the dedication, the wiriting, the attention to detail, the sheer love that went into making that game is something that I have rarely seen in my 30+ years as a gamer.

I guess with so many GOTY badges are out there being handed out, we'll have to go by how many of them a game can nab. Maybe that will be something of an indicator as to the quality of the game.