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fleischr said:
Personally, I think a lot of the ports - WiiU and 3rd party alike - seem rushed. They're designed only to meet only the handheld spec and not really do much else to leverage the docked mode power.

Apart from the nostalgia for the brand, Bomberman seems like a rushed hack job we normally wouldn't pay much attention to. But here it is - the darling launch game beside Zelda. Betcha many companies wish they could get a Switch launch title out sooner. They got to be pissed that Konami is going to get so much for so little.

Out of everything so far - no matter how good it is - only ARMS comes across as a game that was clearly intended for Switch right out the gate. And that game is 1080p 60FPS in docked mode with AA....
Almost everything else admittedly seems like a copy-paste job from WiiU, Vita, and PS3...

Super Mario Odyssey definitely looks a lot more ambitious than 3D World. And those desert levels looked gorgeous. No way the Wii U could do that. So I would say Arms and Super Mario Odyssey. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides