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curl-6 said:
Volterra_90 said:

I thought so when I saw the reveal. A boxing minigame? What the hell, Nintendo? Then I saw some gameplays and I felt there's much more to it. It was a similar reaction with Splatoon in my case. I'm telling you this because I don't know if you saw some gameplays, if not I think they're worth checking. If you saw them and felt that way, well, there's nothing I can do!


Alkibiádēs said:

You should look up some of the livestream footage, the battles got intense.

The basic concept of the combat system is this:

Blocking beats punches, grabs beat blocking and punches beat grabs. You also need to aim your punches carefully and you can also curve them. You need to think ahead if you want to destroy your opponent. There's also strategy involved in which fighter you pick and which glove you select for each arm (3 options available for now, might be more in the full release). Some of the stages are also interactable. The motion controls are also very accurate from what is being reported. And the game also works with a traditonal controller if motion controls are not your cup of tea. 

That's already a lot more debt than Wii Sports Boxing if you ask me. Could you even move in those boxing matches?

I'm open to being proven wrong, I'm just very skeptical atm that it will be able to keep people engaged for the long term, looks like something that might get old fast. Motion controlled fighting games also don't have a great reputation or track record. But I guess we won't have to wait long to find out.

It is reported that motion controls aren't necessary for Arms.