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curl-6 said:
Alkibiádēs said:

That's 14 months you're counting for the Wii U and most of those games weren't very good...

New Super Luigi U was just DLC. I know they gave it a retail release as well, but it's still just DLC.

Sing Party was developped by a third party studio... And well... It's Sing Party, who cares? Notice how I didn't include games like Fire Emblem Warriors either for the Switch? I only listed first-party developped games. 

Wii Sports Club was a huge bomb. It might as well have not been made. 

Wii Party U somehow sold a lot (for being on the Wii U anyway), but it was still a bad game. 

Wii Fit U was another huge bomb. The Wii crowd had abandonned the Wii U.

Most of the games you listed were small, low quality and sold poorly. No wonder the Wii U bombed the way it did. 

Why would Gamefreak announce a new Pokémon game already and cut the legs short of the sales of Sun & Moon on the 3DS? Monster Hunter is a third party game, ask Capcom where a Switch Monster Hunter is. 

I'll gladly take my new Zelda, 3D Mario, Splatoon 2, new character IP (that isn't based on fucking Mii's), improved Mario Kart 8 and Xenoblade Chronicles sequel over the games you mentioned. 

To be fair, 1-2 Switch and ARMS looks pretty bad also.

I'm not defending Wii U first year, it was terrible but if Switch has Nintendo's full development workforce behind it, why does it have only 4 major new games announced for 2017?

So far Arms has been received more positively by those who have actually tried it during the events. And if Splatoon is something to go by, we haven't seen everything from that game just yet. Some are a bit mixed with 1, 2 Switch as it has an interesting concept in utilizing the joy cons' unique features but they're not sure if it'll remain engaging for a long period of time.