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finalsquall said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Yeah, the numbers aren't bad for Sony, but people are trying to skew them and say it's beating the Wii and 360...or whatever.

I don't care if finalsquall's a newbie. If you're going to come in here telling us numbers and information that is obviously false, and not listen to what we have to say...of course things are going to get heated.

Listen to what we have to say...being wrong about something doesn't make you stupid...but blindly following your own obviously wrong idea without reading any criticism is stupid.

 Hmm, aren't we a protective bunch.  I think too many ppl need their happy pills.  I didn't quote numbers, make false info or give my calulations on this matter?  All I said was that I believe the ps3 is doing well and that once the blue ray market picks up in Australia then the ps3 will sell more. I think I know how ppl in my country work.

I know alot of ppl think that because Australia has small numbers we not gamers etc. I'll tell you what. We are big comsumers and we pay more than other countries. A $1000au ps3 is expensive but we tend to break it down ie like oh it has blue ray player which is around $1000au, it has gaming, online etc. We don't bitch and moan about it.

The fact is the ppl complaining against me, Your post are boring ( you know it all wannbes). So your big geeks on this forum, but don't push a way new ppl.  I might not be into creating stats etc,( I do like reading it). But get over yourself.  Most of your created stats or foresight don't evenually add up. 


I'm very dissapointed in some ppl on this site.  I play online games as a Veteran player. So I know how this newbie shit goes. Just get over it. Get your head out of your arses and grow up.  I won't be recommending people to this site if it is like this. :P


Spoken like a true man

