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Normchacho said:
Alkibiádēs said:

Yeah, sure, the 3DS has a long life ahead of it lol. How gullible are you exactly? They said the same about the DS and look how that turned out.

1. The DS was a dedicated handheld while Nintendo is adamant that the Switch is a home console first and foremost. Now, I personally view the Switch as a handheld that plugs into a TV. Bit how Nintendo handles the system will be based on their perception of it, not mine. We don't even know that the 3DS won't get a successor.


2. You're still suggesting that some should buy a system based on little more than your series of assumptions. You also seem to be fond of the idea that anyone that doesn't prescribe to your assumptions is either biased or not a "real gamer".


Now, if have an actual point to make, by all means continue.

To be fair, Nnty is probably lying.