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RolStoppable said:
BraLoD said:

But I just old that, it'll be priced close to 1-2 Switch, a Nintendo game, and it'll come down in price many times faster just as well, so I think as far as pricing goes, specially for what it offers as a game, it's pretty much where it should be.
If the audience is not there, releasing it for half the price from the get go will just get NIS less money and no positive effect at all, so again, the pricing seems right to me.

1-2-Switch has no relevance because nobody in their right mind is going to put such different games against each other to judge if price and value are reasonable. Disgaea 5 will be evaluated as an SRPG, or in the broader sense, as an RPG. People will consider Nintendo games as well as other third party titles that fall into the same category, and then decide whether Disgaea 5 is worthy of costing just as much as the best games in the genre. Given that Disgaea is niche plus a very hit and miss title as far as reception goes (there is usually no middleground, people either like it or hate it), it's a battle where the odds are stacked greatly against NIS.

Releasing it at half the price is going to make people consider to give it a shot. The same people would ignore it at $60 and not return for a purchase once it hits $30, because newer games would already have their attention.

I dunno, this is a hard one. Do you really think the potential market for Disgaea is large enough to throw it out there at $30? I have a hard time thinking the people who are interested in an RPG would pass it up on a platform with no other RPG.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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