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ClassicGamingWizzz said:

Tell me examples then.

The World Ends With You (DS) , Pheonix Wright (DS,3DS), Professor Layton (DS, 3DS), Bravely Default (3DS) , Etrian Odyssey (DS,3DS) , Patapon (PSP), Undertale (PC), Kerbal Space Program (started on PC, ported to consoles later), Cities: Skylines (PC), Pillars of Eternity (PC), Elite Dangerous (started on PC), The Witcher (started on PC, later transitioned to consoles) and many others all experiment in their respective genres. 

And i am waiting for those PC games that are innovative and it would be impossible to play them on ps4 or xbox1.

I never said they were impossible to play on consoles. The point has always been one of economics. Publishers have no incentive to innovate for as long as PS4/XBO owners are still infatuated with games like The Order 1886 just because they have pretty visuals. 

Again with the powers constrains dont allow it LOL

Yes, if you have a weak platform to work with, you can't sell games because they are pretty. Nobody cares if your game is the prettiest thing on the 3DS or Vita. They care about if your game is fun to play. The same can't be said for the XBO/PS4. 

Just because a console its powerfull does not mean the creativity is over, sony and microsoft dont point a fucking gun at devs saying they must push the graphics only, if they want to sepend money in other way its their problem, a game can be creative and have amazing graphics.

I never made that claim. I have only talked about incentives and the market. Nothing about what is possible, but rather what is probable. And sure, a game can be creative and have amazing graphics, if one has infinite resources. More often than not publishers have tradeoffs, however, and for console gamers visuals tend to sell games just as much as game quality. 

Gravity rush was a creative game on PSvita and gravity rush2 is no less creative on ps4, and if they wanted mind blowing graphics and spend more money on it to make it look even better the game would continue to be creative.

Would Gravity Rush have existed without the PSVita? I doubt it. Gravity Rush is the perfect example -- it was born on the Vita, not the PS4.