GoOnKid on 15 January 2017
Dravenet7 said: For once I agree with this sentiment. First order of business is to make them go third party. Hmm, but then they'll be left out of hardware that they perfected their games on, so now they will have to start from scratch. I guess it should be fine in that department. I guess another issue may be that since they no longer sell hardware, they don't make a profit off them, which they almost always do. They may need to recoup their losses somehow. Guess they will have Amiibo. Actually, wait... it's not compatible with the other consoles. It works on PC I guess... even though that platform has a naturally built emulator made years ago. Speaking of PC, doesn't Nintendo hate piracy. I mean of course piracy is absolutely exaggerated, but clearly Nintendo, especially recently goes out of its way to destroy any piracy found on its hardware. Not as easy on PC, but certainly possible. Though the PC crowd won't like it their policies. Whatever, we'll burn that bridge when we get there. Let's focus on consoles. Hmm... once again the profit issue. Especially after development of separate systems. Maybe they'll look at other developer policies and start working on a lot more DLC and micro-transactions. Well, Nintendo has been testing the waters with that anyway so why not go swimming with rest of em. Though Playstation and Microsoft and for some reason their fans really want to be competitive. Let's say they push out new hardware and Nintendo wants to take advantage of the hardware? Well let's assume that Nintendo can only make their game run on the next Playstation because its so much powerful than the Xbox next. That will sure get a lot of people angry. I mean, people who have always played Nintendo games on one system, or have been Nintendo fans for over 30 years despite only owning the NES and SNES and bashed every other system and game to date, will be pretty mad to find that they will have to buy another console to play Nintendo's Sony Exclusive Fire Emblem, Xenoblade or Pokemon game. Yikes that would suck, of course either way I'm sure the fans of the stronger platforms will defend this, by talking about power or the fact that JRPGs don't sell that well on Xbox, while still ignoring PC of course, or some of the more crude ones who will just straight up laugh. Yes, this reasoning will work wonders. But Microsoft doesn't seem to happy about this now do they? They probably want a piece of the pie. What if Nintendo wants to make another game, but can't or doesn't want to take the risk of paying for it? Enter Microsoft. Great. Of course they would want something in return. How about exclusivity just like Sony? Oop, well that won't go too well, fans everywhere will start saying that there is absolutely no reason in this industry for 3rd party exclusives. Hmm, ok But how will Microsoft feel like they gained from this without feeling jilted. I guess timed exclusivity to will help make immediate demand for the brand while still giving it to the other platforms. Wait a second though, people are still mad that they get the game? Strange. Ah well, let us assume that they will eventually buy the game they have been coveting anyway. Not like no company lost massive sales like this before. The other option is of course is to make a full blown exclusive for MS. Surely this has worked for many developers as of recently. Nintendo would be able to make any game of their choice on a massive scale and bound by no MS interference. Nintendo is gonna want to stay competitive to stay healthy in this environment. Big 3rd parties are no joke, and HD development was tough as is, they can't cope with expenses here. What about timed DLC? Something that everyone loves. Can't wait for them to port their old games either. From the NES, SNES, N64, GameCube Wii... wait what was that young Billy? You're saying that Nintendo games in that era were a bunch of gimmicky motion controlled games? Slap it on un-optimized VR, gimmick no more. Anyway moving on. What about the Wii U? You know that console that has no games? Nothing worth porting there. Moving on... huh? You are saying people now want them? Strange, those games are for kiddies, in fact, almost all the games past the NES are! Haha, Oh I'm just kidding there, we know kids these days love Nintendo and not CoD and Battlefield. Moving on. Huh? You are saying Nintendo still has policies like no in game voice chat in games with lower age ranges, no sales on their games, Youtube policies, Localization changes and so on that had nothing to do with their console yet still people blamed it on their consoles anyway? It's still magically a problem. Whelp, no one buys it then. Surely, the majority who complained about this in the past were the people owning their system anyway. I'm sure everyone who boycotted Nintendo before for this will now. Ah well who cares? Looking into the past we can clearly see Nintendo will do well. I mean there have been no first party turned 3rd party companies who failed and ended up selling the same games over and over, each more broken than the last. Sega is successful. This will all work out fine for Nintendo. BraLoD, in all seriousness I sincerely respect your opinion, but I have to disagree. There are way too many factors even beyond that frankly I personally don't want Nintendo going third party for. |
This is by far the BEST response of the entire tread, yet nobody has ever picked it up.
All of you should read this, think about it, try to compare that with your own mindset and then realize what going 3rd party would really mean.