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KLXVER said:
wombat123 said:

I don't understand why people are still concerning themselves over 3rd parties. I thought the majority of us accepted the reality that those big budget 3rd party multiplats weren't coming to the Switch after it was revealed last year as a hybrid console. I know I was one of those people; I bitched about it for a day, held out hope for xbone power and then I accepted reality. When I thought about it, I realized that I'm perfectly fine with a Nintendo console that gives me the 3rd party support of their handhelds along with the combined 1st party software library of their handhelds and consoles. And if 3rd parties happen to come on board and try to find a way to put their big budget games on the Switch, I'll happily buy that version of their games over any other version for the added portability.

Well the third parties dont seem to do much with big or small games on the Switch. Most of the third parties talking in the presentation hadnt even started making their game yet. One guy even just said they are thinking about releasing games on the Switch... I mean what the hell is that about?

The rumor for a while was that Nintendo was going to basically go at it alone for the first year so the lack of 3rd party announcements outside of ports doesn't surprise me.  Also, another rumor was that 3rd parties didn't even get dev kits until 6-8 or so months ago so that's probably another believable hypothesis as to why 3rd party support is in short supply early on.