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If Nintendo fans haven't figured it out yet, Nintendo doesn't care about specs. Reggie has said they don't care what the competition is doing. Going in to the Switch, and expecting it to be a portable Xbox One is quite insane.

It's a hybrid. It inherited all the best that handhelds and consoles have to offer, and the worst aspects of handhelds and consoles. There's going to be some pros and cons to Switch.

However, the fact that it's a hybrid at this price point is really destroying how I thought Switch would play out. It's not powerful enough to entice home console owners, the same thing happened to Wii U. And it's too expensive for handheld gamers to simply migrate to Switch. These are the same people who wouldn't buy the 3DS at $250, remember. So then you wonder, how many of those guys are willing to stick it out with Nintendo and pay for their insanely priced peripherals. And my guess is, not many.

The thing with Nintendo's mobile gaming sector was, the hardware was usually cheap, the software was cheap, and it was plentiful. That's not going to be the case with Switch. So the things that were appealing on 3DS, aren't going to transfer to Switch. And unless you bought a Wii U, you're not going to be impressed with the Hardware of the Switch.

The more and more I think about it, Nintendo has cornered themselves into a insanely small corner of the gaming industry. I pre ordered everything just for Zelda but I know not everybody is going to do that. There are going to be people who shell out $299 for Mario and Zelda and a handful of other Nintendo IP, but I don't think that number is going to be huge. I'm sorry, I just don't see things looking up for the success of the Switch. Nintendo is focusing on all the wrong things I'm afraid.